Learn How to Draw and Paint a Unicorn and Dragon – Free Art Classes for Kids

By | March 11, 2020

Hello, my wonderful artists! I hope you’ve been following along on our YouTube channel to learn SO MANY new art skills from our free art classes! We’ve been uploading videos every day and now every Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. Today’s lesson is How to Draw and Paint a Unicorn and Dragon! Check it out below….

To go along with our lesson, we have created and provided a painting template for each which you can trace and then paint. To do so, print the template and place your canvas or painting paper on the bottom, then graphite paper, then the printed template. Trace over the lines. It’s easiest to remember where you have left off if you use a colored pencil different than the black color of the print.

As always, feel free to use whatever materials you have on hand. If you don’t have paint, color it in! If you don’t have acrylics, paint with watercolors or tempera paint. We used acrylics for our paintings.

To use our templates, simply click the button below. You’ll be taken to a download page which will be unlocked when you enter your email.

Thanks for following along! Be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel (Youtube.com/c/wildfreeandcrafty) and subscribe to our blog so you are notified whenever we post.